NEW YORK — Trends that seem ubiquitous one day can seemingly vanish before the sun rises again just 24 hours later. That’s especially true in the digital age, when overnight celebrities and viral videos can be on the tips of everyone’s tongues before being forgotten entirely when the next online sensation emerges in an increasingly rapid news cycle.

Home trends typically benefit from a longer shelf life than viral videos and other fads that originate on the internet, and that’s something renovation-minded homeowners should consider when improving their homes. Homeowners preparing to do just that can consider these notable trends, which the online renovation experts at Houzz suggest will be particularly popular in the year ahead.

Rounded furnishings: Houzz noted that gentle curves and rounded edges embody the organic modern styles that many current homeowners love. Rounded dining tables and similarly circular coffee tables may merit consideration among homeowners who want to embrace popular trends.

Arches: Houzz cites arches among the more popular modern trends, and the experts at Better Homes & Gardens note this unique, eye-catching style has been gaining popularity for several years. Better Homes & Gardens suggests that part of the appeal of arched doorways could be their deviation from a more traditional door shape. That uniqueness draws the attention of residents and visitors alike, and Houzz notes that arched windows, cabinets and even millwork details are part of the pivot toward arches.

Stove alcoves: If it’s a touch of history homeowners want, kitchen range alcoves might be just the project for them. Range alcoves call an earlier time to mind when wood burning stoves were commonplace. The report from Houzz notes range alcoves immediately draw attention, which undoubtedly adds to their appeal.

Wood for warmth: Homeowners who hear “wood and warmth” might think fireplaces, but Houzz reports that wood elements are being incorporated into interior designs as a means to giving homes a cozier vibe. According to the real estate experts at Zillow, the term “cozy” appeared in 35% more real estate listings in 2024 than in 2023. Though various components can help to create a cozy vibe inside a home, wood has long been a go-to material when interior designers attempt to add warmth to a property.

The home renovation experts at Houzz also cite wood-infused architectural warmth among its 10 most popular home trends in the coming year. Homeowners who want to capitalize on this trend before putting their homes on the market, or those who simply love the idea of adding more wood-based warmth in their homes can consider installing ceiling beams, trim, wall paneling, and cabinetry in their homes.

Trends come and go, but home trends typically have more staying power than styles that emerge in other arenas. Homeowners who want to upgrade their home interiors can consider the latest trends and choose those that align with their own personal tastes.

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